Frugal Foodie Mama: And The Verdict is in! It's A...

Monday, September 26, 2011

And The Verdict is in! It's A...

Bean at 19 weeks, 6 days

Now you didn't think I was going to tell you right away, did you?  ;)  Today was the day.  The day we would find out for sure if our Bean is indeed a girl.  As some of you may recall, the tech at our 13 week ultrasound guessed that the Bean could very well be a girl.  (She also said to be sure to keep our receipts if we went out and bought a bunch of pink.)  I had felt pretty confident going into this ultrasound that our baby would indeed turn out to be a baby girl.  Then I had that dream last week...

I dreamt that my husband and I had to go to the hospital a few days before our scheduled ultrasound, and they decided that they wanted to perform an ultrasound just to be sure that all was fine with the baby.  As the ultrasound tech guided the wand across my stomach, she asked us if we had found out what the baby's gender was and if not, did we want to know.  Well yes!  Of course we want to know.  She said, "Well, it is definitely a boy!".  I was in shock.  My husband had this cute little smile on his face.  I had to ask her if she was sure.  I mean, how could our previous tech get it so wrong?  She turned the ultrasound screen to us and sure enough it was a boy!  No doubt.  I turned to my husband and said, "But we don't have any boys names picked out!  I guess this means we will have to have another one after this one."  The dream felt so real to me.

So even though I was still feeling pretty sure that this ultrasound today would definitively confirm we were going to have a girl, that dream lingered in my mind...  How would I react if the tech told us today that we were having a boy instead? 

It seems as though that question will never be answered.  :)  Our Bean is a GIRLOr as the tech put it, "There is definitely nothing between the legs!".  Our Bean was bebopping as usual.  She was going to give the ultrasound tech the pictures she needed on her own time, not anyone else's. ;) But eventually our baby girl cooperated with every shot, measurement, and angle our tech needed from her.  We were told that our baby girl had one of the most beautiful four chamber hearts she had ever seen.  Our Bean looks perfect.  My husband and I are absolutely in love with her already...