A couple of weeks ago I was asked by my good blogging buddy and online friend Suzy from Simply Suzy (formerly Not a Fertile Myrtle) to become a new contributing author for Bloggers for Hope. Bloggers for Hope's sole purpose is to reach out to others who are experiencing infertility by telling our own stories of our infertility journeys and by providing resources and support. You will find me over there about once a month as their miscarriage and loss contributor.
If you are experiencing or have experienced the loss, heartache, frustration, pain of infertility, know that you are not alone. Bloggers for Hope has several contributing and guest bloggers from all facets of infertility sharing their stories, spreading their hope. I wholeheartedly encourage any of my current readers who are in the throes of infertility, who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy, or who may be on the adoption journey to click on the button above and follow along. Our stories are your stories...
Click on over to Bloggers for Hope and check out my intro post to learn about my infertility story.

Click on over to Bloggers for Hope and check out my intro post to learn about my infertility story.