About this time last year, I had set a few goals for myself for 2013. A couple of these said goals were blog related. One in particular was to reach 1000 blog followers by the end of the year. While I had faith that it was doable, it also felt like a pretty lofty blogging goal for me.
1000 people??
Following my little ole blog?
Well, guess what?
I tripled that lofty goal I had set for myself last year!
I have nearly 3000 subscribed readers to my blog today!
(Say what???)
And I have to give a HUGE thank you to all of you who come back here each week to see what I have been whipping up in my kitchen & sharing my posts and blog with those that you know! :)
There is NO WAY that myself and this blog of mine would be where it is now without each of you.
No joke.
Last year around this time, I shared my Top 12 of 2012 so I thought it was only appropriate that I carry on this New Year blog tradition this year with my Top 13 of 2013. Since I had already shared with you all my 10 Most Clicked Slow Cooker Recipes of 2013 earlier this week, I left out any slow cooker recipe posts from this Top 13 countdown.
(Although about half of my true top 13 for 2013 were crock pot recipes... ;) )
These are my top 13 recipe posts based on views from you all, starting with #13 and working our way down to THE MOST popular Frugal Foodie Mama recipe post of 2013...
(Any guesses on which one it is??)
So, if you are new to Frugal Foodie Mama or maybe were not with me since the start of 2013, here is your chance to catch up on my most popular posts and hopefully pin a few (or maybe all of them) that catch your eye.... ;)
And the most clicked and most popular recipe on Frugal Foodie Mama for 2013 (& of all time!) is....
Have you made any of the recipes in my Top 13 of 2013? Is your favorite on this list?
If you haven't made any of these recipes yet, which one will you be trying first? ;)
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