These 12 Fun & Healthy On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas are perfect for back to school & busy mornings...
I think by now we are all waist deep into all things back to school- am I right? ;) My kiddos have both been in school for over 2 weeks now, so we are finally starting to find our groove each weekday morning.
Most mornings everyone gets up & dressed with lunches packed and backpacks ready to roll and with enough time to spare to sit down and enjoy a bowl of cereal before heading out the door for school. But then there are those mornings... I know that you all have to know what I am talking about here.
The mornings when the oldest hits the snooze button one too many times or "accidentally" turns his alarm off and now he is running behind.
The mornings when the youngest has a total meltdown because I wouldn't let her to go to school in her mismatched (and often outgrown) outfit that she picked out all by herself. I mean, I can deal with mismatched every now & again as long as it is at least the right size clothing, okay? ;)
Or how about the mornings when your high school senior forgets that he has an assignment for AP English due that day, and he is frantically doing it at the kitchen table 10 minutes before he has to leave for school? Or when mom (oops!) forgets that she is supposed to provide snacks for the youngest's Pre-K class that day?
For all of the above reasons and more, I like to be armed with a few go-to breakfast ideas that the kids can grab & go as they head out the door for the day.
Typically, I try to whip up at least one of these breakfast ideas on a Sunday so they can have some quick & healthy breakfast options for the upcoming school week. If you & your kiddos often find yourselves in the same school morning predicaments as us, then you are really going to appreciate today's collection of 12 Fun & Healthy On-The-Go Breakfast Ideas...
Looking for even more fun & creative ideas & tips for back to school? Then be sure to follow my All Things Back to School board on Pinterest! :)